
How To Draw Roc Curve In Matlab

We usually useROCCurve to evaluate the results of classification results, which is also very easy to draw this curve in Matlab. We let us label Represents a true category, output Indicates the predicted category, then calls:

                      [XRF,YRF,TRF,AUCRF]            =            perfcurve            (label,output,            1            )            ;                  

After running:

                      plot            (XRF,YRF)                  

You can get the ROC curve, and there is a parameter in this function, that is, the label of the correct class.positive class label), This variable is a constant, which can be a value, but it is a string, etc., you need to specify it. In the above example, the results and labels we output are0or1Numerical vector, thus specified1Classified. AUCRF I usually say AUC Value.

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How To Draw Roc Curve In Matlab


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